
30+ Smarter Ways To Work

USD $25.00 USD $15.00

Around the world, teams are challenging old out of date work methods “other people’s thinking” as Steve Jobs called it, and replacing
this thinking with twenty-first-century smarter work methods. This working guide covers; how to Post-it reengineer, scrum meetings, Kanban boards, lean management techniques, and Toyota’s 14 management principles. This guide also explores some of the management lessons I have gathered on my journey to writing The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success.

This unique implementation working guide covers some of the techniques you can replicate that will make work more fun and more rewarding. The working guide contains 30 pages designed to help readers to implement quick wins that will save their team time.  The working guide comes with some electronic media, eg: templates, and checklists to assist in a swift implementation. I have spent around US$20,000 researching, writing and testing this working guide. I guarantee, if you purchase, read, and act you will save many times the cost of this guide.

This working guide gives you the answers to the following questions:

  • How can I work smarter instead of harder?
  • What tips are there to help me work smarter and faster?
  • How to increase productivity and achieve more in less time?
  • What are the ways to increase my team’s productivity?

Product Description

Written by international writer, David Parmenter. This working guide will transform the lives of you and your team through the adoption of practices your peers have used successfully who come from top performing teams around the world.


  • Overview
  • Making work fun
  • Have a grand finale
  • Recognition
  • Celebrate more
  • Off-site team meetings
  • Blue sky Fridays – making time to shape the future
  • Offer leading edge training opportunities
  • Work Habits
  • Beware of becoming a workaholic
  • Three Screens
  • Move to a stand-up desk
  • Greeting the guest
  • Remember you /remember me
  • Full attention at meetings
  • Returning phone calls
  • Network within your organisation
  • Cell phone etiquette
  • Have a cluster of mentors
  • Having a safe haven – a second passion
  • Using consultants effectively on projects
  • Look a million dollars
  • Embracing learning
  • Communication
  • Learn how to sell change
  • Have “Action Meetings”
  • Hold stand-up SCRUM meetings
  • Other ways to save time in meetings
  • Controlling the wild beast — your email
  • One-page reporting
  • Contribute to the organisation’s newsletter and intranet
  • Delivering bulletproof PowerPoint presentations
  • Innovation
  • The importance of Peter Drucker’s abandonment
  • Embracing Kaizen
  • Jim Collins’ five step innovation blueprint

This working guide will help you answer queries and guide you to a best practice solution in this area. These working guides are sent as a PDF copy, normally within 48 hours of payment.

Thank you for your interest in the intellectual property I have developed. I will send you the electronic media you have purchased as soon as I have received confirmation from PayPal.