How to Implement Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Quarterly Rolling Planning – and get it right first time – Implementation Guide (110 page PDF whitepaper + electronic templates)


How to Implement Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Quarterly Rolling Planning – and get it right first time – Implementation Guide (110 page PDF whitepaper + electronic templates)

USD $159.00 USD $119.00

If your forecasting is a nightmare, of long nights, Excel spreadsheet error messages and praying that the resulting numbers are right you need to read this toolkit. This unique implementation toolkit comprise my latest thinking on the subject matter. The toolkit contains 110 pages designed to help readers to implement quarterly rolling forecasting.  The  toolkit comes with electronic media, eg: formats, templates, and workshop agendas to assist in a swift implementation. I have spent around US$50,000 developing and updating this toolkit. I guarantee, you will save many times the cost of the toolkit. Price in US Dollars.

Please click here to look inside the toolkit (whitepaper + e-templates)

Product Description

If your forecasting is a nightmare, of long nights, Excel spreadsheet error messages and praying that the resulting numbers are right you need to read this toolkit. This unique implementation toolkit comprise my latest thinking on the subject matter. The toolkit contains 110 pages designed to help readers to implement.  I have spent around US$50,000 developing and updating this toolkit. I guarantee, you will save many times the cost of the toolkit.

This toolkit sets out the foundation stones of a rolling forecast process and how to move from annual planning to a quarterly rolling forecasting process. The secrets of rolling forecasting & planning are revealed at last. In addition to the toolkit, you get a comprehensive set of e-templates for a fast start including check-lists, a “selling the change” Powerpoint presentation, and workshop materials.    Price in US Dollars.

Quarterly Rolling Forecasting (QRF) is the ‘hot topic’ at present as many accountants around the world are recognizing the flaws with annual planning and monthly re-forecasting. Re-forecasting the year-end position every month is flawed on a number of counts, it never looks further than year-end, each month the forecast changes creating number noise, the opportunity to set realistic reporting targets for the on-coming quarter is not utilized, the forecast model frequently is based in error prone Excel, and seldom do budget holders buy-in to the forecast as they were not involved in the forecasting process.

The good news is that, implementing Quarterly rolling forecasting is simple if you base it on solid foundation stones.

Quarterly rolling forecasting, typically going out 18 months at a time, can be a quick process. Less than 5 working days if it follows the “fast, light touch” philosophy developed from “winning finance” teams from around the world. This toolkit will show you “how to implement quarterly rolling forecasting – and get it right first time”. In addition the toolkit will show how QRF evolves into quarterly rolling planning (QRP), a process that will revolutionize any organization whether public or private sector!

It is being increasingly recognised that a planning tool is required for a forecasting and planning process. The stalwart Excel has now been extended beyond its intended boundaries with management accountants building monsters that are beyond any quality assurance programme, littered with logic errors hidden in the formula and designed without the big picture view.

Please click here to look inside the toolkit (whitepaper + e-templates)

This whitepaper is updated at the time of purchase by David Parmenter ensuring that it contains his latest thinking. The e-templates are emailed with the paper.

Why you need this toolkit:

  • To understand why QRF is the most important management tool of this decade and why the rolling forecasts of the past are a different beast to the 21st century QRF.
  • To build a model based on better practice in a modern planning tool or change an existing model to succeed.
  • Easy to use checklists & templates provided electronically – which can be in use immediately (See list below).
  • Understand the foundation stones of quarterly rolling forecasting
  • Understand how QRF evolves into QRP
  • Apply the checklists and templates designed to help you to implement QRF
  • Avoid the common implementation pitfalls
  • To help sell change to your management

This whitepaper will answer the following questions:

  • What is a rolling forecast budget?
  • What does rolling four, six quarters mean?
  • What are the benefits of rolling forecasting?
  • Why Excel is not appropriate for a rolling forecast?

All templates in the paper + additional PowerPoint presentations

In the paper, I have many templates, checklists, workshop templates, PowerPoint slide decks, one page report formats to help the reader. These electronic versions represent over USD$30,000 of my time over the years I have developed them.

The electronic templates include:

  • Selling a planning tool (PowerPoint slide deck)
  • Selling quarterly rolling forecasting to the executive team (PowerPoint slide deck)
  • One page rolling quarterly forecast template
  • Suggestive sales forecast template
  • Rolling planning diagram
  • Quarterly rolling forecast update
  • Ten day annual plan timetable
  • Business unit monthly report format
  • One page annual plan
  • Workshop agenda
  • List of planning tool providers
  • Planning tool supplier evaluation checklist
  • Checklist to help select rolling forecasting team
  • Implement quarterly forecasting checklist
  • Performing a quarterly rolling forecast checklist
  • One day focus group workshop checklist


Thank you for your interest in the intellectual property I have developed. I will send you the electronic media you have purchased as soon as I have received confirmation from PayPal.